Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Game of Love Greeting Card Design Contest

As soon as we've closed the ratings for our previous contest, we begin a new one! This is a trend we'd like to continue in future to ensure there's always something for you guys to do on

This time around, we're getting all mushy with our latest challenge to all you wacky designers out there...


We're taking to our third love (after comics and facebook), for games of any kind!From now until 24th December 2008, we'll be accepting submissions for Flirty/Love related cards having to do with games. What kinda games? All KINDS! Contrary to the misleading poster, we're hoping for designs that come from not only video games, but even things like Monopoly, Warhammer or even Congkak.

As usual, just download our AI template, and get to work! No gradients, filters or fancy effects allowed.

Admittedly, we've gotten lazy trying to second guess what cool prizes to get you guys, so we've decided instead to give Cold Hard Cash!

How much? How about US$1000 for the first prize?

That's 1 MacBook.

Or 7 iPod Nanos

Or 200 copies of WIRED.

Or 500 Foldees Cards (no pressure).

In fact, the other prizes aren't too shabby either. US$600 for second, US$300 for third, and a nice tidy US$100 for fourth and fifth.

As usual, the winners are picked by the public :)

Speaking of which, come back in about five days, and you'll find out who won our last little contest ;)

In the meantime, here are a few ideas that we'd like in particular to see.

  • Romantic interests involving characters in games (we've always wanted to see the Jack of Spades finally get it on with the Queen of Hearts)
  • A few Orc-related cards (e.g. "Your new +10 Charisma armor makes me sweat!")
  • Pseudo game screens like our poster (but not actual screencaps!)
  • Pixel-art!
  • One-page gags involving things you use to play the game such as the relationships between Bowling Balls and Pins or the two parts of the Wii controller.

Beyond that, please please SURPRISE US! We love surprises! Honestly, we really do look forward to the entries from each contest because we're constantly amazed at what you guys come up with.


pat jamesson said...

As usual, the winners are picked by the public :)

Is this correct & fair? obviously they will use as many email accounts or invite more friends.

I saw some good designs with low votes and bad designs with high votes or vice versa! How about that?

I suggest picking of the winners will be 50% voting & 50% will be judge by the organizer!

The final judging must depend on you not on popularity or using many accounts.

chak said...

Hi Pat,

Of course, this is an issue that we face, but perhaps on a much smaller scale than you might think.

As participants from the previous contest will tell you, we actually take measures to counter the popularity contest thinking.

One of these is our random rating engine, which allows each card to only be voted once. It also forces people to rate not only their friends' cards, but all the cards in our collection.

Another is that our engine automatically filters out ratings that are obviously biased (for instance, composed only of 1s and 5s).

Apart from that, we also note suspicious accounts that look like they come from the same person and do not count their votes in the final score.

There will, no doubt, be some controversy after every round, but we take comfort in the fact that we've done absolutely everything we can to make the contest as fair as possible. We hope you guys will too.

emilayusof said...

Hmm Jack of Spades and Queen of Hearts sounds like a good idea! I will try to join this time around, Chak!