Thursday, June 18, 2009

75 confirmed entries PLUS a few more to come!

As you might have guessed from the recent flurry of activity on our site, the MONOCHROME contest has been a real barnstormer for Foldees. We received more than 200 entries this time, of which, a select range of 75 have been initially picked. A few more will be added in the coming days, but if you think your entry should be up here, do drop us an email at and we’ll be more than happy to check it out for you.

First off, apologies to those who did not receive feedback, or who missed the contest deadline. For the former, unfortunately, when all the entries come in at the eleventh hour, it’s difficult for us to provide quality feedback to everyone (although most of you will know that we’ve tried our damndest!). For the latter, we will be revising our rules to ensure minimum confusion next time.

Anyways, a great big huggy thank you to all those who submitted entries for our contest this time around, and congratulations to those who’ve already made it through! We’ll definitely be offering some bonus prizes this time around, so keep your ears to the ground, and tell all your friends to come in and help us pick a winner!image

Also, we’ve provided this nifty Latest Comments tool for you guys so that you don’t have to keep refreshing the same pages. We’ve barely tested it before releasing it, but we wanted to make sure it was out in time to help you keep track of the usual flurry of comments once the ratings period begins.

AND thanks to Kokuzo for guessing that YES, we were very busy, cos there were some last minute technical details that we needed to fix with some of the cards before we uploaded them. And thanks to all of you for your patience :)

Enjoy the ratings period as usual. ONE FREE CARD per full round of ratings, so go get em, tigers!

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